SofTMech secures LKAS fellowships

Published: 23 April 2018

SofTMech (Sean McGinty, Xiaoyu Luo, Simon Kennedy) has been successful in securing a Lord Kelvin Adam Smith (LKAS) Interdisciplinary PhD scholarship.

SofTMech (Sean McGinty, Xiaoyu Luo, Simon Kennedy) has been successful in securing a Lord Kelvin Adam Smith (LKAS) Interdisciplinary PhD scholarship. The appointed PhD student, Alistair McQueen, will start in October 2018 working on “Frontiers In Revascularisation Strategy:  Tailoring Intervention using Modelling and Experiments”. The project will involve working closely with cardiologist Prof Keith Oldroyd (Golden Jubilee National Hospital) and an external collaborator (Dr Chris McCormick, University of Strathclyde).  This PhD project is an outcome from a previous project funded by the SofTMech feasibility fund.

 Image of Stent for LKAS STUDENTSHIP award

First published: 23 April 2018

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