Training Programme
SofTMech Training Programme
The SofTMech training committee and the wider SofTMech leadership organise a series of training events for our PhD students and PDRAs. These events are also open to members of the other EPSRC Maths-in-Healthcare centres and our SofTMech partner Universities. Events will run in a hybrid format to allow online participation.
These events take one of two forms:
Large Scale Events: include conferences and workshops, and spanning from a half day to several days. Previous/upcoming large scale events include:
Small scale (informal) training events: Previous/upcoming small scale events include:
- Preparing an effective poster presentation (May 22)
- Presenting with confidence (Oct 22)
- Effective figures for scientific papers (Dec 22)
Attending an academic conference and networking
Attending an academic conference and networking: 24.03.22
Our first informal training event discussed academic conferences, covering:
- what actually happens at an academic conference?
- what can I hope to get out it?
- how do I network effectively?
The event also included a practical exercise on preparing an elevator pitch for networking with senior academics.
A recording of the event can be accessed from the link on the right hand side of the screen.

SofTMech Training Day 28.01.22
Mon, 31 Jan 2022 12:21:00 GMT

Mon, 23 Nov 2020 10:54:00 GMT